Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday, Monday, Can't Trust That Day in Celebrity Rehab

Another dreary Monday here in Shangri La. I'm glad that Shopping is an indoor sport. Another indoor sport? Okay, already, you don't have to beat it out of me, I'll confess! I am addicted to Celebrity Rehab. My Mother taught me that it was a mortal sin to have the television on while the sun was out. But the sun is still hiding here, and I need to feed my addiction to Dr. Drew and his Band of Narcissists. Is Mackensie Phillips lying about Papa John? I don't know but she is very convincing, like some my witnesses who changed their stories mid-stream and left me spraying out saliva and bile yelling my Objection. But this is about Fashion, and I tried to identify one of my Goodwill items that Heidi Fleiss or Dennis Rodman might don for an arraignment. I think this jacket works: It is black leather, and has hot buttons, much like the Rehabbers themselves. So the whole louche look is struggling with sobriety, and could use a session with Dr. Drew.


  1. what happened to the picture where i made the missing button magically reappear?

  2. Yes, with my eagle eye I noticed the button was missing. Has Gillian fixed that? Celebrity rehab? What has this tragic world come to! Libby

  3. Yes, Gilly fixes everything. I must have mixed up photos. Actually, I believe Dr. Drew and his staff help some of these people, but maybe I am living in a dream world where I am the Empress.


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