Friday, January 29, 2010

A&E called to get the Empress on Hoarders, but the Empress is a Collector, not a Hoarder!

  It's a fine line between love and hate, right and wrong, hoarding and collecting and choosing Mint or Fruit Mentos for lunch. (See Wiki, "The Mentos Diet.") A & E airs the show Hoarders, where: "Each 60-minute episode of Hoarders is a fascinating look inside the lives of two different people whose inability to part with their belongings is so out of control that they are on the verge of a personal crisis." If you can make it through this show without a  psychotropic drug, you must not suffer from claustrophobia, OCD, phagophobia or bossiness. Otherwise, you would just shake these people and tell them to "buck up and clean up."
   Some people mask their hoarding tendencies by calling themselves "collectors." This is okay if you are Norton Simon and your collection consists of enough priceless art to fill a museum. The Empress believes she is a collector, and that a curator will someday arrange all of her  dachshund tchotchkes next to the Pollocks and Rothkos.
There's a Pez Museum in  Burlingame fergodsakes. To enable her collecting, the Empress 
bought these items at her local Goodwill. 


Okay, so I got a great big Mom bag with room for bananas, sewing kit, pepper spray, Buttered Rum Lifesavers and comfortable shoes. I haven't gone into the Hoarder abyss yet, but then... I found these and HAD TO HAVE THEM.

Not bad, and can use as a purse within a purse for collecting.
But then, I gave in to those hoarding urges.

At this point, I can't be stopped!

It's a slippery slope from Collector to Hoarder. My next post may be from Rehab. Still, I had the time of my life at Goodwill.

For reference, here is a scary photo from Hoarders. Memorize it.


  1. That is so ridiculous!!! Did they actually call you??? AMAZING!!! I should start a blog, The Duchess of thrift!!! I have all kinds of stuff I can't bare to part with because they are "One of a kind". I do love that first bag though!!!

    <3 Sarah

  2. Sarah, I anoint you the Duchess of Thrift. I would love to see your stuff -- it's easy to set up a blog and show it.

  3. I've been a closet thifter for years. I've picked up many a fine bag at the GW. Luv the blog!

  4. What is the Empress's favorite movie? The original "Grey Gardens"?

    Vicki B.

  5. VIcki B. you are so perceptive. I love Grey Gardens and I believe Little Edie is a fashion icon. Wearing a cardigan like a knit head scarf was pure brilliance. I am going to have to feature her in a blog, if I can do her justice (and I am sincere here -- she was inspired.)


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